In 2017, Acura marked their return to high-performance racing with the ARX-05 vehicle. Since the ARX-05 (codename Dpi) would be debuting at the 24 Hours of Daytona race, we created a social tease campaign that put up a portion of our teaser film on Instagram Stories every hour on the hour for twenty-four hours. At the end of the twenty-four hour sequence, viewers saw a film that not only teased out details of the new ARX-05, but also wove in classic Acura racing footage to celebrate the brand's rich motorsports heritage.
In addition to the Instagram Stories teaser reveal, we'll also created native posts for Instagram with clips from the film that also formed a "tile" in our feed revealing the ARX-05. Facebook and Twitter cover photos featured a unique countdown video driving our audience to the IG Stories and tile reveal.